Where the Mind Is Without Fear!

Yesterday, while reading an article on social norms and ethics there was this one question that hit my mind, Social norms and Ethics- big words and bigger are the meanings. But, do these norms always help us in leading a content life?

I think they make us handicapped. My thought processes, my identity, my perceptions, are they worth nothing? Just because we have a set path, some social rules, some stereotypical beliefs, we are to follow them, blindly?

Why can’t we clear the deck for a fight? Take up anything, philosophy or religion or literature and let that be your God for the rest of your life. Let’s think, generate, discover- New thoughts, brilliant ideas and give our lives a meaning.

I don’t disagree to the idea that by following social norms you may become a great human but by following your own thoughts, by following your ideas you may grow up to be a happier person. So I leave it on you to decide, what you want to do, achieve greatness or achieve happiness?

Achieving greatness may seem more worthy than achieving happiness but let me remind you that there’s no point being great if you are not happy! The greatest men that we know, be it Swami Vivekananda or Mahatma Gandhi, they were great because they were happy with their lives. And of course we cannot forget that they are those people who changed the face of society and gave the country her ultimate leaders. Imagine everyone following norms and ethics; it would be a world full of followers, but a leaderless society!

Let me quote Swami Vivekananda, “Do not believe in a thing because you have read it in a book. Do not believe in a thing because another man has said it was true. Do not believe in words because they are hallowed by tradition. Find out the truth yourself.” If relevancy in individualistic approach is the agenda today, then my thought is clear, that the history of the world is the history of a few human beings who had faith in themselves, who carried their own ideas, their perspective and led a life of excellence. Let’s pledge towards building a nation free from hypocrisy and dependency, let’s pledge towards “Making India Saksham”.

- Mohona Dasgupta
(Intern, FYF-SIT)

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